Experience the Magic of Movie Making with the OgoBILD + Animate Studio Kit!

Kids + Adults can create and share their own animated movies with OgoSport's Studio Kit

For the kids and adults who want to explore the magic and creativity of movie making, available this year is the BILD + AnimateIt! Studio Kit.  We combined the computer software technology of Aardman’s Studio (creators of Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run) and our constructive OgoBILD BITS characters to develop stop motion animation films.   

About BILD + Animate

OgoSport's BILD + Animate gives kids ages 6+ the opportunity to explore the world of animation by creating their own stop-motion movies.

Combining the OgoBILD line of constructive toys with the stop motion animation software of Aardman Animation Studios (the premier UK education stop-motion animation software and creator of Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run), makers of all ages can learn to build, direct, and share their own animated films.

With the addition of the BILD + AnimateIt! Studio Kit to it's active and creative play toy line, OgoSport continues to promote open-ended play and stimulate a child's imagination in the making of animated movies.

Each Studio Kit includes:

  • 103 OgoBILD Interchangeable Pieces
  • 1 Flexible HD Steady-Mount Web Cam for photographing OgoBILD characters
  • 1 Step-by-Step Guidebook Introducin Stop Motion Animation
  • 1 Certificate to download Aardman's AnimateIt! Express Software (available for MAC & Windows)

Submit + Share movies through our OgoBILD Shorts website: http://www.ogobild.com/shorts/

* If you are curious about the Studio Kit, please contact Heidi at heidi@ogosport.com to have a sample shipped your way.  Thanks!


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About OgoSport

From award-winning classics like the Super SportsDisk to newer creations like OGOBILD, we don't just design toys or sporting goods - we design something more...We design active play for all ages. We design endless hours of fun for your children. And hours of fun with your children.

OgoSport was founded in 2004 by a duo of accomplished designers from world-renowned school of design, the Pratt Institute. Our talented roster of creators formed the company to question the current direction of play, and these inquires have inspired us to seek new directions in product development. www.ogosport.com


Brooklyn Navy Yard, Bldg. 3 Suite #408 63 Flushing Avenue, Unit 137 Brooklyn, NY 11205


